The Sterling Roswell Quartet. Sterling Roswell (Spacemen 3, The Darkside), Jim Sclavunos (N.Cave and Badseeds, Grinderman and The Cramps), Matt Radford (Neanderthals, Panasonics Etc, Etc) and Steve Donnelly.
An atmospheric tale of 50's RnB star Johnny Ace who blew his brains out playing Russian Roulette on X-Mas day 1954.
The flip has 'Ramblin Woman' featuring 'Manuela' on vocals, a haunting tale of a woman's loneliness and a truly 'out there' version of the Charlie Feathers classic 'I Can't Hardly Stand It' which manages to out Cramps The Cramps.
Rockabilly dragged screaming into the 21st Century.
The Lonesome Death Of Johnny Ace
MANUELA: Rambling WomanSTERLING ROSWELL TRIO: I Can't Hardly Stand It Blues
STERLING ROSWELL - The Lonesome Death Of Johnny Ace
Artikelnummer: TW10001